Aethera, chemotyped essential oil diffusion for indoor public spaces.
We consider the pursuit of health and well-being through natural means to be equally important as the future of our planet and these concerns are at the heart of everything we do.
Aethera has come up with an innovative method of diffusing chemotyped essential oils in indoor public spaces, targeting prevention as well as cure and allowing everyone to breathe clean and healthy air.
Specialising in equipment for machines and industrial equipment for over 30 years, one of our associates has first hand experience of a wide range of fields in industry. Thanks to his broad network of contacts in the sector, he selects the ideal partners and sub-contractors for the production and use of all components of the diffusion system, be it parts manufactured by a specialist in endoscopy and micromechanics (to the closest 100th mm), painting or the treatment of metallic surfaces.
Aethera benefits from the extensive experience of its employees who, over the course of over twenty five years, have acquired unparalleled knowledge of those producing the premium quality plants that are used to make essential oils, distillers, supply and distribution circuits as well as major clients in all four corners of the world.
Aethera sprl / bvba
Business Park-Station
Avenue du Commerce 2 Handelslaan
Enghien 7850 Edingen (Belgium)
Tel.: +32(0) 2 325 07 38
Fax: +32(0) 2 325 07 39